Welcome to Carlyle Memorials
There is perhaps no greater honor or responsibility than selecting a memorial for someone you have loved. A memorial is a lasting legacy - a heartfelt reflection of a life lived. With unsurpassed compassion and knowledge, Carlyle Memorials will guide you in creating a memorial that shares the story and preserves the memory of your loved one.
Carlyle Memorials creates each memorial personally, in partnership with a family's ideas and wishes. From the design stage to the engraving process, all work is done on our premises to maintain the level of quality and workmanship that has been our standard since 1929.
Carlyle Memorials is a full service monument company, dedicated to providing western Iowa families with all their memorial needs:
- Full, personalized service
- Quality concrete foundations built for longevity
- On Staff Artist
- In-house etching services; farm scenes, landscapes, portraits, etc.
- All designing and engraving done in-house
- Four generations of expertise, experience and empathy